Nargis Attaiee

16, Kabul, Afghanistan

"In Afghanistan men understood the feelings of women that how hard it is to be at home all the time.”

"In Afghanistan men understood the feelings of women that how hard it is to be at home all the time.”

About me

What level of lockdown or quarantine are you in?
We are in a low level of lockdown, no serious actions.

What has changed since coronavirus started?
Things changed both in positive and negative ways. Negatives, we can’t see our friends, schools are closed and most of us are lack of educational materials, Business collapses, thousands of people are dying from hunger, family depressions. However, I see more impressive changes that Impacted human lives positively. First, this crises altered our perspectives, we noticed certain values and concept which we didn’t recognize before, for instance “health is more than wealth “not “health is wealth “we are related to each other, human are all the same. Furthermore, in Afghanistan men understood the feelings of women that how hard it is to be at home all the time. Second, it keeps us away from that busy world to give times for our self and our family. Third, the weather is cleaner now.

Coronavirus may took thousands of lives but gives us the chance to rebuild our self and our planet.

Are you able to go to school/work?
No, schools are closed.

Where do you spend most of your time now?
At home

How do you communicate with your friends?
social media

Do you see your family more or less now?

What do you see when you leave your house?
I see an empty street and sidewalk, some people wearing masks yet someone not, most of shops are closed. Everyone seems terrified. More sensitivity in their health.

How do other people look when you go out?
Since it’s summer, many people walk in light clothes. Rarely, I see people with masks and gloves.

How do others act when outside their house?
If I be honest most of our people don’t believe in existence of coronavirus. And those who believe they are very sensitive to their health wearing gloves, masks and not touching places when out of their home. Baying vegetable and fruits a lot. But not obeying social distances.

Has anything changed for the good in your life since coronavirus started?
I have more times to do what I love, sleep well, doing workout, decreased weight a little.  In addition, having the chance to be part of quarantine photography project. 

What is the worst part of social distancing for you?

The Quaranteen Project

My Gallery

THe developing project

The Developing Story was created to give a voice to those seeking to be heard, while encouraging and empowering all communities to speak their truth through the medium of photography. Through our capsule storytelling projects, we amplify ordinary voices, offer the wider world a new perspective on current affairs, and encourage visual arts in every community around the world.
